Category: Site News

New Layout!

New Layout!

I’ve just put up brand new matching site and gallery layouts! Huge thanks to Gemma and Gratrix Designs for the header and Carol at Sin21 Designs for the themes.

I hope you all love the new look as much as I do!

Welcome to The Mena Massoud Network

Welcome to The Mena Massoud Network

Hello everyone, and welcome to The Mena Massoud Network, your newest source for all things on the amazing actor! Everyone knows Mena best as his portrayal as Aladdin in the live-action remake last year. Here, you will be able to find out the latest information, news, and a full photo gallery containing almost 9,000 photos!

A huge thank you to Cole for the .com domain and providing a huge chunk of the photos in the gallery, as well as Holly with helping with photos as well! The site wouldn’t have been done so soon if it weren’t for you both! A big thanks to Carol at Sin21 Designs for the theme and Insomniac Wonderland Designs for the wonderful header!

We are currently looking for affiliates – which will all be featured on our sidebar – so if you’re interested, please feel free to send me an email or send a message on the site’s Twitter page and apply!

Please be sure to follow our Twitter page for the latest as well as some fun retweets fellow Mena fans post!